Cereal Chem 64:55-58 | VIEW
Effect of Commercial Oat Bran on the Characteristics and Composition of Bread.
P. G. Krishnan, K. C. Chang, and G. Brown. Copyright 1987 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
White wheat flour was substituted with 10 and 15% levels of commercial oat bran to determine the effects on dough properties and bread quality. Particle size of bran was also varied in the formula. Protein and dietary fiber analyses were conducted along with other assays to determine the efficacy of supplementation. Product acceptability was judged by sensory evaluation. Absorption requirements in oat bran doughs increased with increases in bran levels as well as with bran particle size reduction. The 10% blends (large and intermediate size bran) produced doughs of good stability. Both 10 and 15% bran blends increased dough mixing time slightly over the control. The inclusion of bromate in the formula improved loaf volume, grain, and texture of oat bran breads. Dietary fiber and protein increased significantly with bran supplementation. No improvement in discriminant computed protein efficiency ratio was noted. The 10% bran breads had better loaf volume, grain, and texture than 15% bran breads. A taste panel preferred 15% bran bread (large bran) and 10% bran bread (intermediate bran).