Cereal Chem 64:428-434 | VIEW
Factors Affecting Dough Breakdown During Overmixing.
K. Okada, Y. Negishi, and S. Nagao. Copyright 1987 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
When doughs were overmixed in the farinograph in the presence of linoleic acid, rested for 30 min, and then remixed, dough consistency recovered completely. The remixed rested dough turned white in the presence of linoleic acid and smelled rancid. Adding ferulic acid to the dough increased the rate of dough breakdown and made the dough sticky. Dough consistency in the presence of ferulic acid did not recover even after a resting period. The amounts of linoleic acid and sulfhydryl (SH) groups in dough decreased during overmixing, but the amount of ferulic acid remained constant. Heat treatment of flour reduced the rate of dough breakdown and decreased the level of SH groups. The SH contents of flour decreased by 63% as a result of dialysis against oxygen-free distilled water. Dough made from dialyzed flour did not breakdown during overmixing. Amperometric titration of dough mixed with various amounts of N- ethylmaleimide (NEMI) showed that 15 ppm of NEMI was equivalent to the amount of SH involved in the thiol-disulfide interchange reaction. The subunit fraction containing disulfide bonds that react with NEMI in acetic acid insoluble protein and glutenin was identified by the distribution of S-succinyl-L-cysteine.