Cereal Chem 64:110-115 | VIEW
Studies on Dough Development. III. Mixing Characteristics of Flour Streams and Their Changes During Dough Mixing in the Presence of Chemicals.
S. Endo, K. Okada, and S. Nagao. Copyright 1987 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Changes in analytical and physical properties of dough during extended mixing were studied using a 60% extraction flour and flour streams obtained from an experimental Buhler mill. The effects of mixing on the rheological properties of doughs were measured by the Do-Corder at temperatures comparable to dough temperatures during the early stages of baking. The break flours were characterized by three peaks (75, 85, and 95 C) on the Do-Corder curve for bromated doughs, whereas the reduction flours gave only one peak (85 C) and a shoulder (75 C). Unlike the reduction flours, the break flours also showed a significant change in the Do-Corder curve during dough mixing (after longer mixing). Quantitative distribution of acetic acid- soluble protein (ASP) varied among the flour streams. Adding 1% (v/v) 2-mercaptoethanol to 0.05N acetic acid increased the amount of ASP in the extracts (mercaptoethanol-soluble protein, MSP). Dough mixing gradually increased both the amounts of ASP and MSP. The direct addition of bromate, 2-mercaptoethanol, or N-ethylmaleimide to the dough, however, specifically decreased the amount of MSP.