Cereal Chem 64:128-132 | VIEW
Comparison of Gluten Quality in Triticale: A Fractionation-Reconstitution Study.
R. J. Pena and G. M. Ballance. Copyright 1987 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The gluten quality of four agronomically acceptable secondary hexaploid triticales, one hard red spring wheat (Marquis), and one soft wheat (Fredrick) were examined. Whereas flour protein contents were similar, gluten protein contents and falling number values for the triticales were variable and lower than those for both wheats, especially Marquis. Mixing and baking studies of flours reconstituted on an equal gluten protein basis indicated that a considerable range of gluten quality existed among the triticales and between the hard and soft wheats. A linear relationship between peak time and peak area with gluten stretching values for the triticales was demonstrated. When flours were reconstituted with equal amounts of gluten protein from each of the triticales, the rheological properties of these flours were linearly related to the gluten strength of the parental gluten. Loaf volume increased for all the flours reconstituted at the higher gluten levels. On the basis of these analyses, Impala triticale gluten appeared to be similar in quality to that found in Marquis wheat.