Cereal Chem 65:287-291 | VIEW
Evaluation and Comparison of Wisconsin and Stein Breakage Testers on Corn.
S. Gunasekaran. Copyright 1988 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Breakage susceptibilities (BS) of two corn genotypes, each dried at four temperatures, were investigated using the Wisconsin breakage tester (WBT) and the Stein CK-2M breakage tester (SBT) at various operating conditions. Particle size characteristics of the samples impacted with the WBT and the SBT were determined using a set of U.S. standard sieves. The BS and fineness modulus were independent of sample feed rate in the WBT. In the SBT, BS increased and FM decreased with increasing impacting times. Six minutes of impacting in the SBT producted corn breakage levels approximately equivalent to those in the WBT. Based on the wide variations in the results it appears that correlation between actual corn breakage and the BS values obtained with the WBT and the SBT may depend on the type of handling, and this may have implications for those who wish to use a breakage test as an information factor in U.S. corn grading factors.