Cereal Chem 65:320-326 | VIEW
Noodles. VII. Investigating the Surface Firmness of Cooked Oriental Dry Noodles Made from Hard Wheat Flours.
K. L. Rho, P. A. Seib, O. K. Chung, and C. W. Deyoe. Copyright 1988 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Centura, a hard red winter wheat cultivar, was harvested two years in different locations. The wheat flours from both crops showed good noodle-making and breadmaking performance. When a hard and a soft wheat flour were premixed into an elastic dough and subsequently made into noodles, the surface firmness of the cooked noodles decreased with the period of premixing. At noodlemaking absorption, Centura and Western white wheat flours gave little gluten development during mixing compared to flour from a commercial mixture of hard red winter wheats.