Cereal Chem 65:340-544 | VIEW
Biochemical and Breadmaking Properties of Wheat Protein Components. II. Reconstitution Baking Studies of Protein Fractions from Various Isolation Procedures.
K. Chakraborty and K. Khan. Copyright 1988 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Two hard red spring wheat varieties, Prodax and Len, of poor and good breadmaking quality, respectively, were fractionated into various solubility fractions by three different procedures. Reconstitution baking studies were carried out to interchange fractions between varieties and between fractionation procedures to evaluate the breadmaking properties of the various fractions. Exchanging the water-soluble and starch fractions, separately, between the two varieties showed different effects on loaf volume depending on the fractionation procedure for isolating these fractions. Exchanging the gliadin and glutenin fractions, however, showed that the fractions that contained larger amounts of glutenin proteins gave the highest positive responses to loaf volume and were independent of the fractionation procedure. However, the magnitude of loaf volume response of the glutenin fraction was dependent on the fractionation procedure. Comparison of fractionation procedures showed that 70% (v/v) aqueous ethanol used to extract the gliadin fraction impaired the visco-elasticity of reconstituted doughs from both varieties. Starch fractions, however, did not seem to be affected by the fractionation procedures. Addition of various levels of total lipids to reconstituted fractions (obtained from defatted flour) showed differences in loaf volume response.