Cereal Chem 65:348-353 | VIEW
Dynamic Rheological Properties of Flour, Gluten, and Gluten-Starch Doughs. I. Temperature- Dependent Changes During Heating.
P. C. Dreese, J. M. Faubion, and R. C. Hoseney. Copyright 1988 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The dynamic rheological properties of flour-water doughs and doughs made from blends of commercial gluten and commercial starch were tested using a dynamic rheometer. Ambient temperature frequency scans of previously heated and cooled flour-water doughs showed that irreversible rheological changes were caused by heating doughs to greater than or equal to 55 C. Dynamic rheological measurements of flour- water doughs during heating (temperature scans) indicated that G' (the storage modulus) increased and the tangent (ratio of G"/G' where G" is the loss modulus) decreased rapidly between 55 and 75 C. The magnitude of the temperature-dependent rheological change (G') was proportional to the dough's starch content. Adding pregelatinized starch to a gluten-starch blend resulted in an increase in G' and a decrease in tangent, similar to the change caused by heating. Heating a gluten-water dough to 90 C and then cooling to 30 C caused only a small change in the dynamic rheological properties. This change appears to be caused by gelatinization of the gluten's residual starch. However, heating a gluten-water dough to 80 C increased the gluten's mixing time by more than 1,000%.