Cereal Chem 65:354-359 | VIEW
Dynamic Rheological Properties of Flour, Gluten, and Gluten-Starch Doughs. II. Effect of Various Processing and Ingredient Changes.
P. C. Dreese, J. M. Faubion, and R. C. Hoseney. Copyright 1988 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The dynamic rheological properties of gluten-starch, gluten, and flour doughs were tested at 25 C and 2% strain, over a frequency range of 0.01 to 50 Hz. Cysteine and mercaptoethanol reduced the storage modulus (G') and increased the loss tangent (G"/G' where G" is the loss modulus). When flour was fractionated into gluten, starch, and water-soluble fractions, the presence of the water-soluble fraction affected G' and loss tangent in a manner similar to systeine or mercaptoethanol. The fast-acting oxidant, potassium iodate, increased G' but had no effect on the tangent. Increased dough moisture resulted in lower values of G' at all frequencies tested. Over the range used, the moisture of gluten-water doughs did not affect the tangent at any frequency tested. The moisture content of flour-water dough did not affect the tangent at frequencies of 10 Hz and below, but at 20 and 50 Hz the results were erratic. Overmixing flour-water doughs had essentially the same rheological effect as increasing dough moisture.