Cereal Chem 65:359-362 | VIEW
Polysaccharides and Proteins of Glandless Cottonseed Flour.
Z. M. Zarins and W. E. Marshall. Copyright 1988 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Cottonseed polysaccharides were concentrated by removing proteins, sugars, lipids, and color ocmponents from cottonseed flour by five successive extractions. The polysaccharide fraction (28.6% of flour) still contained 38% protein, which had an essential amino acid compostion similar to that of skim milk solids. After the removal of starch by alpha-amylase digestion, the polysaccharide-rich fraction was subfractionated into four nonstarch polysaccharide fractions: pectic substances, two hemicellulose fractions, and celluloses. Each fraction was analyzed to identifiy and qualify the monosaccharides present. The pectic substances contained 56% polysaccharides, which on hydrolysis yielded predominantly arabinose and uronic acids. The first hemicellulose fraction consisted of 62% polysaccharides and contained predominantly uronic acids, glucose, and arabinose. The second hemicellulose fraction contained 49% polysaccharides, which on hydrolysis yielded primarily glucose, xylose, and uronic acids. The cellulose fraction contained 72% polysaccharides, which on hydrolysis yielded 95% glucose. The nonstarch polysaccharides were responsible for the high water absorption of glandless cottonseed flour, which absorbed about 2 g of water per gram of flour. However, the nonstarch polysaccharide fraction absorbed over 19 g of water per gram of material.