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Cereal Chem 65:401-403   |  VIEW ARTICLE

Lubricated Uniaxial Compression of Fermenting Doughs.

A. Cullen-Refai, J. M. Faubion, and R. C. Hoseney. Copyright 1988 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc. 

Lubricated uniaxial compression was used to obtain stress relaxation curves for fermenting wheat flour doughs. Linear transformation of the normalized curves allowed the calculation of constants directly related to the extent of stress relaxation a or rate of stress relaxation b. Standard deviations for a constants were less than 5%. Comparison of the a constant values showed that doughs containing oxidant (KBrO3) were significantly more like a solid, and doughs with reduced ferementation time were significantly more like a liquid than their controls. Furthermore, the a values of undermixed and overmixed doughs were significantly different. Overmixed doughs exhibited more solid behavior. Because of large standard deviations, b constant values could be used to differentiate the dough treatments tested.

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