Cereal Chem 65:428-430 | VIEW
Analysis and Selection Program for Malt Quality in Barley by Microcomputer.
J. A. Clancy and S. E. Ullrich. Copyright 1988 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
An analysis and selection program for malting barley quality was developed using Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet software. The program stores the raw data for one agronomic and nine quality traits, performs all calculations, and executes a selection index based on an evaluation of the level and the importance of eact trait to overall malt quality. The data may then be queried to select breeding lines for any set of criteria contained in the data base that is desired by the breeder. This program affords barley breeders an efficient method of summarizing the quality traits of experimental lines and a relatively objective means of selecting for overall malt quality. It is adaptable to selection of other traits and to other crops as well.