Cereal Chem 65:431-432 | VIEW
The Effects of Wetting Corn and Broken Corn and Foreign Material on Aquagrams.
C. R. Martin, Z. Czuchajowska, and Y. Pomeranz. Copyright 1988 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Combine-harvested corn from two hyrids was air-dried at ambient temperature in a bin to about 12% moisture, dried in the laboratory to 10.5% moisture, and then rewetted to increase the moisture to 15.5%. The distribution gradient of moisture in freshly wet corn kernels was highest in corn without any broken corn and foreign material (BCFM) and decreased as the percentage of BCFM increased. Most of the added moisture was absorbed by the 3-5% BCFM in the sample. Aquagram standard deviations of freshly wet corn with or without BCFM were much higher than in corn equilibrated to 15.5% or even 17-20% moisture. Within 24-48 hr this moisture was more uniformly transferred to the whole corn kernels.