Cereal Chem 65:109-114 | VIEW
Preliminary Observations on the Determination of Wheat Strength by Near-Infrared Reflectance.
P. C. Williams, F. Jaby-El-Haramein, G. Ortiz-Fereira, and J. P. Srivastava. Copyright 1988 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Samples of hard (mainly red spring), medium strength-medium hard, and soft wheats were assembled to give three series, each with a minimum range in protein content and hardness of maximum range in strength, as measured by simple screening tests, physical dough testing, and baking where applicable. Calibrations were developed using a Pacific Scientific Research Composition Analyzer model 6250 to predict the various strength parameters. Results for prediction of farinograph absorption and stability and for remix loaf volume were excellent in hard wheats. Farinograph stability was highly predictable in medium strength- medium hard wheats, in which the Pelshenke wheat meal fermentation time and sodium dodecyl sulfate sediment volumes were also predictable, with sufficient accuracy for use in breeding programs. In soft wheats, alveograph W was predictable and had higher accuracy than farinograph stability. Both protein and oil bands were prominent in the development of calibrations for most of the strength parameters. The interrelationship between protein and oil in their respective contributions to strength parameters in wheat is discussed.