Cereal Chem 65:143-149 | VIEW
Protein Composition and Pentosan Content in Relation to Dough Stickiness of 1B/1R Translocation Wheats.
A. S. Dhaliwal, D. J. Mares, D. R. Marshall, and J. H. Skerritt. Copyright 1988 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Wheat cultivars containing the 1B/1R translocation are characterized by a number of quality deficiencies, the most serious of which is "sticky dough." These defects presumably are related to differences in protein composition or some other flour constitutuent that result from the absence of the short arm of wheat chromosome 1B or the presence of the short arm of rye chromosome 1R. Flour proteins were extracted sequentially from two hard and one soft wheat cultivar and their 1B/1R derivatives with a range of solvents and examined by acidic buffer- and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Wheat cultivars and their derivatives showed a similar quantitative protein distribution pattern except for an increase in the proportion of water-soluble protein in the 1B/1R lines. On the basis of electrophoretic and immunological properties, this difference was attributed to the presence of rye secalin proteins, which are more water-soluble than their wheat counterparts. Total and water-soluble pentosans also were determined. Water-soluble pentosan content was slightly higher in some 1B/1R lines but did not exceed the range normally found in bread wheats. These results are discussed in relation to the possible cause of sticky dough in 1B/1R wheat derivatives.