Cereal Chem 65:175-181 | VIEW
Effect of Laboratory-Scale Oil Applications on Quality Factors of Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat.
T. L. Mounts, K. Warner, F. S. Lai, C. R. Martin, Y. Pomeranz, W. E. Burkholder, A. J. Peplinski, A. R. Class, and C. W. Davis. Copyright 1988 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Previous research has demonstrated that application of 200 ppm soybean oil is 90% effective in controlling dust generated during handling of grain in elevator operations. Soybeans, hard red winter wheat, soft red winter wheat, and corn were treated with 200-800 ppm of soybean oil, two mixtures of soybean oil and lecithin, or mineral oil, stored at ambient temperature for period up to one year, and then evaluated for grade evaluation, odor detection threshold, germination, flammability, and handling properties. Single treatments up to 800 ppm of soybean oil had no significant effect on odor or grade of soybeans or soft red winter wheat. Consistently objectionable odors were reported for soybeans treated with single applications of mineral oil and stored for six months or more. Single treatments up to 800 ppm of soybean oil and lecithin mixtures had no significant effect on odor and grade of any of the grains studied. Multiple treatement with soybean oil to levels of 1,200 ppm and above adversely affected the odor of soybeans, and combined with storage for six months or more, adversely affected the odor of soft red winter wheat. Multiple oil treatments up to 4,800 ppm did not affect the odor of hard red winter wheat stored six months. Corn samples treated with up to 6,400 ppm oil and stored up to 12 months underwent very little odor change but did decrease in test weight. There was no adverse affect by treatment on dry or wet milling properties of corn. Soybeans treated with up to 2,400 ppm soybean oil did not increase in flammability. Similarly treated hard red winter wheat had no significant repellency against the granary weevil. No changes in germination and stress crack percentages of corn were observed with oil treatment.