Cereal Chem 65:240-243 | VIEW
Nonwaxy Rice for Tapuy (Rice Wine) Production.
P. C. Sanchez, B. O. Juliano, V. T. Laude, and C. M. Perez. Copyright 1988 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A study was undertaken to determine the feasibility of substituting nonwaxy rice for waxy rice in an improved tapuy (rice wine) process using high-saccharifying fungi and high-ethanol-tolerant yeast. Waxy and low-amylose (12-20%) milled rices showed the highest tapuy yield, ethanol content, and ethanol conversion, followed by intermediate-amylose (20-25%) rice and then high-amylose (greater 25%) rice. Weight and starch content of the residual mash were positively correlated with amylose content. Properties of tapuy aged for one month showed significant differences in taste panel scores, but only color scores were correlated with amylose content. Low- and intermediate-amylose rices could be used in place of waxy rice in the improved tapuy production process without significant change in tapuy yield and quality; ethanol recovery was slightly lower for intermediate-amylose rice.