Cereal Chem 66:22-25 | VIEW
Structure of Amylomaize Amylose.
C. Takeda, Y. Takeda, and S. Hizukuri. Copyright 1989 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The molecular structures of three varieties of amylomaize amyloses, and their beta-limit dextrins were analyzed by chemical end-group determination, high-performance liquid-gel chromatography with a small- angle laser-light-scattering photometer and differential refractometer and enzymic analyses. The results suggested that the structures of amyloses from amylomaize starches with apparent amylose contents of 48, 54, and 68% closely resembled each other. The amyloses were small molecules of 690-740 number-average degrees of polymerization (dpn) and 1,810-1,990 weight-average dpw, with chain lengths of 215-255, and their apparent dp distributions were 200-9,000. They comprised large branched molecules, with 5-6 chains on average, and small unbranched molecules in an almost equimolar ratio.