Cereal Chem 66:461-466 | VIEW
Studies on Vitality of Commercial Gluten. II. Solubility Fractionation, Electrophoresis, and Fluorescence Results.
C. K. Wadhawan and W. Bushuk. Copyright 1989 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Osborne solubility fractionation of commercial vital glutens showed that samples containing more insoluble residue protein gave poorer baking performance (i.e., lower vitality). Devitalized glutens prepared by heating at elevated temperature contained the greatest amount of insoluble residue. The proportion of acetic acid soluble protein was directly correlated to vitality of gluten. Electrophoresis patterns were altered upon devitalization. Intrinsic fluorescence of dry gluten increased upon devitalization; vitality was highly significantly negatively correlated to the intrinsic fluorescence value. Fluorescence of solution of acetic acid soluble fractions of vital gluten was highly significantly correlated with vitality as measured by the baking test.