Cereal Chem 66:527-530 | VIEW
Note: A Five-Gram Mixograph to Determine and Predict Functional Properties of Wheat Flours.
K. F. Finney. Copyright 1989 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Described is a 5-g mixograph to determine and predict functional properties of wheat flours. Mixograms from the 5- and 10-g instruments were entirely comparable and highly replicable. A mixogram time-to-peak difference of 0.276 min between any two single values is required for significance at P = 0.05. The 5-g instrument has several structural improvements not on previous 10-g models. Mixograms of flours representing a wide range in mixing time to peak and in protein content were comparable for the 5- and 10- g instruments.