Cereal Chem 66:273-275 | VIEW
Germ Weight, Germ Oil Content, and Estimated Oil Yield for Wet-Milled Yellow Dent Corn as Affected by Moisture Content at Harvest and Temperature of Drying Air.
C. L. Weller, M. R. Paulsen, and S. Mbuvi. Copyright 1989 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A split-plot experimental design was used to determine the effect of moisture content at harvest and temperature of drying air on weight, oil content, and estimated oil yield of corn germs recovered from laboratory wet milling. The effects were determined for a high-yielding hybrid of yellow dent corn widely grown in the corn belt that was hand-picked and hand-shelled. Germ oil content decreased significantly as moisture content at harvest and temperature of drying air increased. Germ weight and estimated oil yield generally decreased as both moisture content at harvest and temperature of drying air increased from 17.2 to 29.6% and 22 to 93 C, respectively.