Cereal Chem 67:64-69 | VIEW
A New Parameter Related to Loaf Volume Based on the First Derivative of the Alveograph Curve.
K. Addo, D. R. Coahran, and Y. Pomeranz. Copyright 1990 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The recording unit of an alveograph was modified by attaching a computerized unit for automatic computation and storage of data. The modification allowed comparison of data collected manometrically with that obtained by the computer. The stored data was used via a software program to determine the first derivative of the alveograph curve. A new parameter (DM) based on the first derivative of the alveograph curve was developed. Alveograph indices of P, L. W, and DM were used to asses the baking qualities of six Midwestern hard red winter wheat flours (three, each, of good and poor breadmaking potential) and 22 Pacific Northwestern hard white winter and hard red spring wheat flours (covering a wide range of breadmaking potential). DM gave the highest correlations with both loaf volume and specific loaf volume for the 22 Pacific Northwestern flours (-0.897 and -0.899, respectively, P less than 0.001). Stepwise regression analysis produced a model in which DM, P, and water absorption explained over 90% of the variability in loaf volume potential.