Cereal Chem 67:124-128 | VIEW
Hydration of Whey Protein-Wheat Starch Systems as Measured by Electron Spin Resonance.
P. A. Schanen, L. E. Pearce, E. A. Davis, and J. Gordon. Copyright 1990 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Hydration of whey protein concentrates (WPCs) individually and in combination with wheat starch was studied using a stable, nonhydrogen bonding, free radical probe and electron spin resonance measurement techniques. WPCs with two different protein-lactose ratios were used. Measurements were made at room temperature and after heating to 75 and 95 C. In WPC-water systems, some slowed motion was observed, as well as a partition of the probe into hydrophobic and hydrophilic environments. The hydrophobic environment increased relative to the hydrophilic environment as a consequence of heating or increasing protein concentration. Spectra for the combined WPC-wheat starch systems showed elements of the individual components: namely, slowed motion (WPC and starch contributions) and hydrophobic- hydrophilic environment partition (WPC contribution). WPC and starch did not appear to compete for water.