Cereal Chem 67:170-176 | VIEW
Milling, Rheological, and End-Use Quality of Chinese and Canadian Spring Wheat Cultivars.
O. M. Lukow, H. Zhang, and E. Czarnecki. Copyright 1990 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Ten spring wheat cultivars from the People's Republic of China and four spring wheat cultivars from western Canada were compared by using a wide range of milling, rheological, baked bread, and steamed bread properties. Significant cultivar differences were observed for all measured traits. Whether assessed by Canadian or Chinese standards, overall performance or ranking of the cultivars was similar, indicating that the same factors determine quality for baked or steamed bread. Quality parameters were examined for their effect on steamed bread and correlation and regression coefficients are presented. Protein content and gluten strength were the most important factors determining steamed bread quality. Stepwise multiple regression of steamed bread parameters on quality parameters as independent variables indicated that from 27 to 95% of the variability in steamed bread quality can be explained by protein content and dough mixing strength parameters. Preliminary evidence suggests that the electrophoretic determination of high molecular weight glutenin and gliadin proteins might be used to predict steamed bread quality.