Cereal Chem 67:282- 285 | VIEW
Proanthocyanidins in Wheat Bran.
J. A. McCallum and J. R. L. Walker. Copyright 1990 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Commercial wheat bran was found to contain low levels of catechin and di-, tri-, and oligomeric proanthocyanidins soluble in aqueous acetone. Earlier attempts to detect these compounds in wheat appeared to have failed because of interference from methoxyhydroquinone glycosides. The oligomeric proanthocyanidins contained mostly prodelphinidin and some procyanidin units, whereas the dimeric proanthocyanidins may also contain some propelargonidin units. Procyanidin B3 (catechin-[4 alpha-8]- catechin) and prodelphinidin B3 (gallocatechin-[4 alpha-8]-catechin) were isolated and characterized. The contribution of these compounds to seed coat color is discussed.