Cereal Chem 67:342-349 | VIEW
Relationships Between Protein Solubility Characteristics, 1BL/1RS, High Molecular Weight Glutenin Composition, and End-Use Quality in Winter Wheat Germ Plasm.
R. A. Graybosch, C. J. Peterson, L. E. Hansen, and P. J. Mattern. Copyright 1990 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
End-use quality parameters, protein solubility characteristics, and high molecular weight (HMWE) glutenin subunit composition of 69 diverse wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) experimental lines and varieties in two experimental trials were determined. The experimental lines varied widely in total protein concentration and end-use quality characteristics. Variation in protein solubility characteristics showed little relation to quality parameters among 27 wheat lines in experiment I. Relationships between protein solubilities and quality parameters were highly significant among the genetically more diverse lines in experiment II. The presence of the 1BL/1RS translocation was identified on the basis of omega-secalins detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of 0.04M NaCl-soluble proteins. The effect of 1BL/1RS on end-use quality and protein solubilities was highly dependent on genetic background. Above average levels of KOH-soluble proteins and/or average to below average levels of salt-water-soluble proteins improved the quality of 1BL/1RS lines. Significant correlations were obtained between Glu-1 quality scores and mixing characteristics and loaf volumes of the lines. Adjusting the Glu-1 score for the presence of 1BL/1RS improved most correlations with quality parameters. Combinations of Glu-1 scores and protein solubility characteristics were evaluated by stepwise multiple regression to preduce end-use quality parameters. However, no variable or combination of variables accounted for more than 56% of the total variation in any one quality parameter. The usefulness of Glu-1 scores, even in conjunction with protein solubility characteristics, was limited to the identification of very poor quality wheats.