Cereal Chem 67:400-404 | VIEW
The Effect of Water-Extracted Solubles from Gluten on Its Baking and Rheological Properties.
P. C. Dreese and R. C. Hoseney. Copyright 1990 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Rheologically active material can be removed from commercial dry gluten by washing it with distilled water. Control and washed glutens performed equally in baking tests when they were added to flour. However, the control (unwashed) gluten performed better when baked as gluten/starch doughs. When only 1.3% of the gluten was removed, dynamic rheological tests showed that the washed gluten had higher G' (more resistant to deformation) and lower loss tangent values (G"/G', relatively more elastic and less viscous) than the control gluten. Mixograph and dynamic rheological tests showed that the washed gluten gave no response to mixing with iodate, whereas the control gluten had an iodate response. This suggests that the soluble material removed from the washed gluten is involved in the effect of KIO3. The nature of the material is unknown. Two gluten washing methods (centrifugation to develop a dough, and mixing) were used to prepare glutens from seven different flours. For all these flours, glutens prepared by centrifugation had longer mix times than glutens prepared by mixing. Glutens washed from soft wheat flours by centrifugation did not form cohesive doughs. Glutens prepared from hard wheat flours by centrifugation formed cohesive doughs, and the dynamic rheological properties of these doughs were all essentially the same. All glutens produced by the mixing method formed cohesive doughs, and there were significant differences in G' between those glutens produced from different flours. Thus, the rheological properties of glutens were dependent upon the method of preparation.