Cereal Chem 68:409-412 | VIEW
Response of Starch of Different Wheat Classes to Ball Milling.
C. Mok and J. W. Dick. Copyright 1991 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Starches isolated from different wheat classes (durum, hard red spring, hard red winter, soft red winter, and white wheats) with minimum damage were ball milled for 0-24 hr. The response of starch to ball milling for the different wheat classes was investigated to see whether the differences in the sensitivity of starch granules to mechanical action among the wheat classes were also responsible for the different degrees of starch damage with respect to wheat hardness. Upon ball milling, the degree of starch damage showed the following trend with respect to wheat type: durum wheats showed a higher degree of damage than hard wheats, which had more damage than soft wheats. This indicates that the starch in hard wheat is susceptible to the physical action of milling and that the strong starch-protein bonds might contribute to a high degree of starch damage after milling. The degree of swelling and the water-solubility index followed the same trends as the degree of starch damage based on wheat type.