Cereal Chem 68:597-601 | VIEW
Effect of Cultivar and Environment on Quality Characteristics of Spring Wheat.
O. M. Lukow and P. B. E. McVetty. Copyright 1991 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The eight spring wheat cultivars used in this study displayed a broad range in milling and baking quality. The best and poorest in overall breadmaking quality were represented by the cultivars Columbus and UM841, respectively. The semidwarf wheats Len and Norseman compared most favorably to Columbus and were also among the most environmentally stable cultivars. Both cultivar and environment had a signficant effect on quality parameters. Cultivar by environment effects were statistically significant but relatively small in magnitude for most parameters, as confirmed by the rank correlation results. Composited samples over locations would be suitable for quality assessment for semidwarf wheats grown in western Canada for most of the characteristics studied. For the quality parameters that displayed large cultivar by environment interactions (i.e., test weight and thousand-kernel weight), samples from several environments should be used for quality evaluation, particularly in advanced generation breeding lines.