Cereal Chem 69:35-43 | VIEW
Evaluation of the McGill No. 2 Rice Miller.
S. B. Andrews, T. J. Siebenmorgen, and M. Mauromoustakos. Copyright 1992 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The effects of moisture content (MC), milling time, pressure applied to rice, and sample size on head rice yield and degree of milling were evaluated with the McGill No. 2 miller. MC was 9-14% (wb), milling time was 0-60 sec (in 15-sec intervals), and sample sizes were 100, 125, and 150 g of rough rice. The pressure applied to the rice was adjusted by varying the position of a 1.5-kg weight on the weight lever. Samples produced by milling at the experimental combinations were graded by the Federal Grain Inspection Service. MC was found to be the most significant variable and sample size the least significant variable in affecting head rice yield (HRY). When MC was decreased or sample size was increased, HRY increased. It was also determined that when milling time or pressure applied ot the rice was increased, HRY decreased. HRYs obtained with the No. 2 miller were compared to yields obtained with the McGill No. 3 miller at corresponding MCs. It may be possible to obtain equivalent results with the proper settings. However, no one combination was found to produce equivalent results across all four MCs for both varieties.