Cereal Chem 69:433-435 | VIEW
Fractionation of High-Lysine Corn to Produce Edible By-Products.
A. H. Mistry, M. P. Steinberg, and S. R. Eckhoff. Copyright 1992 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A wet process for high-lysine corn was developed on a pilot scale with the primary objective of producing germ and soluble protein for food. Corn was steeped in lactic acid solution, and a hydraulic shear mill was used to remove whole germs. A floatation column separated the whole germ from the coarsely ground corn. Whole, clean germs were recovered in 8.52% yield. Soluble protein was recovered by conventional tabling, with yields of 6.67%. The soluble protein was high in lysine content. The germs have potential for replacing confectionery nuts.