Cereal Chem 69:472- 475 | VIEW
Alkylresorcinols in Extruded Cereal Brans.
I. Al-Ruqaie and K. Lorenz. Copyright 1992 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Rye, wheat, and triticale grains and their milling fractions were analyzed for alkylresorcinol content. Rye grain was the highest, triticale intermediate, and wheat grain the lowest in alkylresorcinol content. The bran of these cereals contained the highest amounts of alkylresorcinols, shorts intermediate amounts, and flour the lowest amounts. Extrusion reduced alkylresorcinol content in bran by 53.7-76.9%, depending on the type of cereal and extrusion conditions (moisture, barrel temperature, and screw speed) used. The highest reduction was observed in rye bran and the lowest in wheat bran, possibly due to differences in alkylresorcinol homolog composition. The alkylresorcinol content of extruded bran samples was still several times higher, however, than that found in flour samples of wheat, rye, and triticale. Human toxicity levels of these compounds have not yet been established.