Cereal Chem 69:60-65 | VIEW
Effect of Amylose Molecular Size and Amylopectin Branch Chain Length on Paste Properties of Starch.
J.-L. Jane and J.-F. Chen. Copyright 1992 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Amyloses were fractionated from potato, normal, and high-amylose corn VII starches to yield large, intermediate, and small molecular weight amyloses, respectively. Amylopectins were fractionated from high-amylose corn V, waxy corn, and normal rice starches to yield long, intermediate, and short branch chain amylopectins, respectively. Reconstituted starches made with mixtures of these amyloses and amylopectins at different combinations and proportions were studied for their paste properties (viscosity, gel strength, and light transmittance). Synergistic effects on paste viscosities were observed when the amyloses and amylopectins were mixed. The long branch chain amylopectin and the intermediate molecular size amylose produce the greatest synergistic effect on viscosity.