Cereal Chem 69:145-147 | VIEW
Age-Related Changes in the Properties of Batters Made from Flour Milled from Freshly Harvested Soft Wheat.
K. Shelke, R. C. Hoseney, J. M. Faubion, and S. P. Curran. Copyright 1992 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
We noted a consistent pattern of age-related changes in the properties of wheat and flour over two consecutive crop years. The onset temperature of starch gelatinization in wheat endosperm increased slightly as a function of postharvest time. Freshly milled flours had low distilled water binding capacity (DWBC) and produced batters of low viscosity at ambient temperature and during heating. DWBC of flours, both untreated and chlorinated, was lowest immediately after milling, increased during the first week, and changed little after that. The time required to reach the maximum DWBC value decreased as wheat age increased. Batter viscosity at ambient temperature and minimum viscosity during heating both increased as a function of flour age. DWBC was strongly correlated with cake-baking quality of flours milled from freshly harvested wheats.