Cereal Chem 69:288-295 | VIEW
Effect of High-Temperature Drying of Pasta on Quality Parameters and on Solubility, Gel Electrophoresis, and Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography of Protein Components.
B. Aktan and K. Khan. Copyright 1992 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Spaghetti made from durum wheats with weak (Rugby) and strong (Vic) gluten was dried at high temperatures of 70, 80, and 90 C and compared with spaghetti given conventional low-temperature drying at 40 and 60 C. Protein denaturation, measured by loss of solubility in dilute acetic acid, increased significantly in both varieties as drying temperature increased. Generally, the color score of dried spaghetti increased. Cooked weight increased, cooking loss decreased, and firmness generally increased as drying temperature increased. Other effects of increased drying temperature were a significant increase in residue proteins and a decrease in proteins of other classes of the Osborne solubility procedure. A decrease or an increase in intensity of some bands in the gel electrophoresis patterns of certain fractions was observed; however, the gliadin fraction was most stable to high-temperature drying. High-temperature drying affected the retention times and peak areas of reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography peaks of gliadins, mainly from the spaghetti dried at 90 C.