Cereal Chem 69:351-355 | VIEW
Viscoelasticity of Zein-Starch Doughs.
J. W. Lawton. Copyright 1992 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Corn flour, when hydrated, does not form a viscoeleastic dough as does wheat flour. Yet when mixtures of zein and corn starch were blended into a composite flour and mixed in a farinograph at 25, 30, and 35 C, viscoelastic doughs resembling those of wheat flour were produced. The properties of such doughs appear to result from zein fibers, produced during mixing, that are similar in appearance to wheat glutenin fibers. Dough properties were affected both by mixing temperature and final dough temperature. A zein-starch dough could not be produced when mixed below 25 C, and the viscoelasticity of doughs produced at higher temperatures was lost if doughs cooled to below 25 C. This temperature (25 C) is closely related to zein's glass transition temperature.