Cereal Chem. 70:18-21 | VIEW
Sensory and Physical Properties of Cakes with Bovine Plasma Products Substituted for Egg.
C. C. Lee, J. A. Love, and L. A. Johnson. Copyright 1993 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The sensory and physical properties of cakes in which egg products were replaced with bovine plasma products were studied. Dried egg whites were replaced by dried plasma in high-ratio, white layer cakes at five different levels (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%). Egg whites could be replaced by dried plasma without reducing cake volume. Cake symmetry was altered by substituting plasma for 75 or 100% of the egg. Substitution altered the colors of both crust and crumb. Cakes with plasma replacing 25% of the egg had decreased L and Theta values compared with those of the control cakes. Cakes with plasma replacing egg were softer, more moist and gummy, and slightly sweeter than the controls. A blend of hydrolyzed plasma and beef stock could replace 50% of the egg in devil's food cake without affecting symmetry or shrinkage and with only a slight decrease in volume. Consumer panels indicated that cakes made with plasma products were as well liked as the control cakes.