Cereal Chem. 70:42-47 | VIEW
Waxy Corn Starch: Monoglyceride Interaction in a Model System.
J. J. Huang and P. J. White. Copyright 1993 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The interaction between waxy corn starch and monoglycerides (MGs) (monolaurin, monomyristin, monopalmitin, and monostearin) was investigated by the measurement of starch-MG complex formation, iodine affinity, differential scanning calorimetry, and texture measurements in model systems. All MGs formed some amount of complex with waxy corn starch, but no significant differences occurred among the MG types. Iodimetric titrations of the complexes also showed that the presence of MGs significantly decreased the iodine affinity of the amylopectin when compared with that of the control. Gelatinization and retrogradation behavior of starch-MG mixtures were measured by using differential scanning calorimetry. Compared with that of the control, the gelatinization onset temperature decreased significantly in the presence of MGs, except for monostearin; moreover, statistically lower enthalpies were noted for the treatments containing MGs, except for the treatment with monomyristin. After retrogradation, the enthalpies of recrystallized starch for systems containing monolaurin, monomyristin, and monopalmitin were statistically lower than that of the control. Gel firmness and cohesiveness measurements with the Voland- Stevens texture analyzer revealed little pattern in the effects of MGs on waxy maize starch gelatinization.