Cereal Chem. 70:499-501 | VIEW
Enrichment of Tocopherols, Tocotrienols, and Oil in Barley Fractions by Milling and Pearling.
L. Wang, Q. Xue, R. K. Newman, and C. W. Newman. Copyright 1993 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Tocopherols (T), tocotrienols (T3), and oil concentration were determined in the whole grain and milling and pearling fractions of two waxy hull-less barley cultivars. Pearling was more effective than milling as a means of concentrating total tocols and oil in barley flour. A pearling flour, 20% of kernel weight, had the highest (P less than 0.05) concentrations of alpha-T3 (115.8 mg/kg), alpha-T (35.4 mg/kg), total tocols (205.3 mg/kg), and oil (81.5 g/kg): 2.7, 4.4, 2.9, and 2.9 times greater, respectively, than those of the whole grain. Among six milling fractions, the highest concentrations of alpha-T3 (50.2 mg/kg) and alpha-T (12.1 mg/kg) were observed in reduction shorts and fifth middling, respectively. Fifth middling, red dog, and reduction shorts were highest in total tocol concentration. Fifth middling was highest (P less than 0.05) in oil concentration. The fifth middling, red dog, and reduction shorts were 1, 9, and 3%, respectively, of total weight of mill fractions. Flour and bran were lowest in total tocol and oil concentration, but they were the highest in total quantity of those components because they were the largest mill fractions. In pearling fractions, the pearling flour contained higher oil, total tocols, and alpha-T3 than did individual mill fractions. High alpha-T3, total tocol, and oil concentrations make the pearling flour a potential ingredient for food products to enhance human health.