Cereal Chem. 70:517-521 | VIEW
Measurement and Interpretation of Dough Densities.
G. M. Campbell, C. D. Rielly, P. J. Fryer, and P. A. Sadd. Copyright 1993 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Dough density is often used in determining the void fraction of gas in a dough. A new method is presented for the measurement of dough density that is more convenient than previous methods. A straightforward procedure for estimating the gas-free dough density, which permits accurate calculation of the void fraction of gas in a dough, is described. The void fraction of gas is proportional to the press ure at which the dough is mixed and depends on mixer design and blade speed. Oxygen deprivation of dough mixed below atmospheric pressures may affect the gas-free dough density. A technique of delayed pressure reduction minimizes oxygen deprivation and permits accurate determination of the gas-free dough density. Investigations of dough aeration can then decouple the effects of different mixing conditions on the gas-free dough density and on the void fraction of gas in the dough.