Cereal Chem. 70:59-63 | VIEW
Flow Behavior of Wheat Flour-Water Dough Using a Capillary Rheometer. I. Effect of Capillary Geometry. N. Sharma, M. A. Hanna, and Y. R. Chen.
Cereal Chem. 70:59-63. A capillary extrusion rheometer was employed for detailed investigation of the flow behavior of wheat flour-water dough. Dough was extruded at ambient conditions through capillaries of different lengths and diameters. In the shear rate range of 9-5,000 sec[-1], the dough exhibited shear thinning with an average flow behavior index of 0.34 and consistency coefficient of 2,395 Pa-sec[0.34]. The flow curves, corrected for end effects and for effect of die diameter on shear rates, were independent of capillary dimensions. The capillary rheometer technique was found to be a reliable and repeatable method for determining flow parameters of viscous materials such as dough.