Cereal Chem. 70:567-571 | VIEW
Amylopectin-Staling of Cooked Nonwaxy Milled Rices and Starch Gels.
C. M. Perez, C. P. Villareal, B. O. Juliano, and C. G. Biliaderis. Copyright 1993 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Varietal differences in Instron hardness testing of cooked rice after amylopectin-staling was demonstrated among nonwaxy rices with similar amylose content and gelatinization temperature (GT). In addition, intermediate- to high-GT rices showed greater amylopectin-staling of cooked rice than did low-GT rices of similar amylose contents. Storage modulus of 25% starch gels measured by small-strain oscillatory shear also showed greater increase during staling for 17.5 hr at 8 C in intermediate- to high-GT starches than in low-GT starches. The data are consistent with the lower glycemic index and higher resistant starch in cooked intermediate- to high-GT rice than in low-GT rice.