Cereal Chem. 70:63-67 | VIEW
Flow Behavior of Wheat Flour-Water Dough Using a Capillary Rheometer. II. Effects of Water, Protein, Mix, and Rest Time. N. Sharma, M. A. Hanna, and D. B. Marx.
Cereal Chem. 70:63-67. Doughs made with various combinations of water, protein, and mix and rest times were extruded at ambient temperature through a capillary of known geometry. The flow behavior of the doughs was described by a power law model. The consistency coefficient decreased with increasing water content in the doughs, but it increased with increasing protein content. Mix and rest times did not show a significant effect on the consistency coefficient. The flow behavior indices were not affected by water, protein, mix time, or rest time over the ranges studied. The consistency coefficients were predicted within reasonable accuracy by a quadratic model including only water and protein as independent variables. The quantification of flow properties could be used for quality control using automated process control in bakeries of the future.