Cereal Chem. 70:633-636 | VIEW
Mixograph Studies. VI. Combined Effects of Charge (pH), Activated Double-Bond Compounds, and Oxidants on Dough Mixing Properties. C. Kerr, R. C. Hoseney, and J. M. Faubion.
Cereal Chem. 70:633-636. The effects of activated double-bond compounds, fast-acting oxidants, and pH (singly and in combination) on dough overmixing (breakdown) were investigated by mixogram curve analysis. Breakdown of flour- water and full-formula doughs was quantitated by measuring mixogram curve width at 3 min after the point of minimum mobility (optimum mixing). The effect of activated double-bond compounds was more pronounced with flour-water doughs than it was with full-formula doughs, although their effect was still clearly demonstrable in mixograms. Fast-acting oxidants, such as KIO3, were shown to oxidize a compound in the gluten-prime starch fraction and thereby cause an accelerated breakdown of the mixogram tail (overmixing). Stability of flour-water doughs to overmixing, as measured by the mixogram tail width, gave a sigmoidal curve as a function of dough pH. Tail widths were narrow at low pH and wide at high pH. There was a plateau in the curve near the pH of flour-water slurries (approximately 6.0). Compounds that affected curve stability were most effective in the plateau region. Strong flours were more resistant to changes in pH than were weak flours.