Cereal Chem. 70:656-661 | VIEW
Effects of Storage History and Hybrid on Carbon Dioxide Production by Rewetted Shelled Corn.
B. P. Marks, R. L. Stroshine, and L. D. Dunkle. Copyright 1993 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Carbon dioxide evolution tests were conducted with samples of fresh corn and samples of corn previously stored in bins for either four months or five years. Storage history affected the carbon dioxide evolution. Statistically significant differences in carbon dioxide evolution rate between hybrids P3377 and FRB73XMo17 at harvest were still significant after low-moisture (13.2-13.4%) storage for 56 months. Analysis of covariance was used to analyze the initial respiration rates (first 72 hr) of the test results. This statistical evaluation revealed differences in carbon dioxide evolution in one-fourth the time required by previous methods, such as time to reach 0.5% dry matter loss. The initial slope of the respiration rate curves varied with length of previous bin storage and, therefore, gave an indication of potential for future spoilage.