Cereal Chem. 70:77-80 | VIEW
Influence of Gluten Components and Flour Lipids on Soft White Wheat Quality.
M. S. Kaldy, G. R. Kereliuk, and G. C. Kozub. Copyright 1993 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Soft white wheat flours from varied growing conditions were analyzed for selected variables of gluten and components of flour lipid to identify those that are associated with baking quality as measured by cookie diameter and cake volume. Statistical analysis indicated that among the gluten variables, yield of gluten and pentosan in gluten were the variables most associated with cookie diameter corrected for protein content. However, when the correction for protein content was not taken into account, total protein was shown to be negatively correlated with cookie diameter. Among the components of flour lipid, polar lipid had the highest correlation with cake volume. These variables, therefore, appear to be important in the end-use quality of soft white wheat.