Cereal Chem. 70:753-758 | VIEW
Varietal Differences in Amylopectin Staling of Cooked Waxy Milled Rices.
C. P. Villareal, B. O. Juliano, and S. Hizukuri. Copyright 1993 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Varietal differences in amylopectin staling of cooked waxy milled rices were demonstrated in rices with both low and high gelatinization temperatures (GTs) by accelerated staling and using the Instron hardness value with an Ottawa texture measuring system extrusion cell. Cooked high-GT rices had harder cooked rice on accelerated staling than cooked low-GT rices, but significant differences were observed also among some low-GT pairs. Hardness of staled cooked rice correlated negatively with number degree of polymerization of amylopectin for the 12 low-GT waxy rices. The Rapid Visco Analyzer complements the amylograph in measuring the pasting viscosity of waxy rice flour.