Cereal Chem. 70:269-272 | VIEW
Testing for Sprout Damage in Malting Barley Using the Rapid Visco-Analyser.
M. L. Bason, J. A. Ronalds, C. W. Wrigley, and L. J. Hubbard. Copyright 1993 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The ability of the Rapid Visco-Analyser (RVA) to detect sprout damage has been assessed using seven cultivars of Australian malting barley. The RVA stirring number (SN, viscosity at 3 min) correlated well with falling number, alpha-amylase levels, and the subsequent life span of the grain. Sprout damage in malting barley can be reliably detected using the RVA SN method. The relationship between SN and retention of acceptable viability in storage for malting was used to devise a method for determining threshold SN values to indicate whether a sample is sound or damaged. Suggested cutoff values, below which a sample could be classified as damaged, ranged between 120 and 150 Rapid Visco units, depending on cultivar.