Cereal Chem. 71:51-54 | VIEW
The Mixing Requirement of the Australian Hard Wheat Cultivar Dollarbird.
J. R. Oliver and H. M. Allen. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Hard wheats recently released in Australia exhibit an undesirable increase in mixing requirement concomitant with a desired increase in dough strength characteristics. Farinograph and extensigraph measurements on the cultivar Dollarbird indicated that it combined short development times with excellent dough strength. Measurements were made using: 1) the farinograph at 180 rpm rather than the conventional 60 rpm, 2) a National pin mixer as an alternative to the farinograph, and 3) a compressive stress test as an alternative to the extensigraph test. These measurements indicate that the mixing requirement of Dollar bird was no different from other hard wheat cultivars of similar dough strength.