Cereal Chem. 71:412-417 | VIEW
Stabilities of Several Forms of Vitamin C During Making and Storing of Pup-Loaves of White Pan Bread.
H. Park, P. A. Seib, and O. K. Chung. Copyright 1994 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Pup-loaves of white pan bread were fortified with three commercial forms of fat-coated L-ascorbic acid (AsA) and with uncoated AsA at a level equivalent to 64 mg of sample per 100 g of flour (14% mb). Sample 1 contained large crystals of AsA coated with 30% fat (mp 58-71 C) and resisted leaching in 6% metaphosphoric acid at 25 C. Sample 3 contained mostly small crystals coated with 10% fat (mp 49-69 C) and lost 70% of its AsA during leaching. Proofed bread dough mixed with Sample 1 retained 80% of fat- coated AsA, whereas proofed bread dough mixed with Sample 3 retained only 7% of fat-coated AsA. Bread (up to three days old) fortified with Sample 1 showed approximately 20% higher retention of vitamin C than did bread fortified with Sample 3 or with uncoated AsA. Bread fortified with Sample 2 showed intermediate retention of vitamin C. Bread also was fortified with 64-mg equivalents of AsA per 100 g of flour in the forms of L-ascorbate 2-polyphosphate (AsPP) and L-ascorbate 2-monophosphate (AsMP). After mixing, fermenting, and proofing the dough, approximately 85% of AsPP and AsMP were hydrolyzed to AsA. 2- Phosphorylated AsA remaining in proofed dough largely survived the baking step, whereas the free AsA underwent approximately one-third destruction. After three days of storage, pup-loaves fortified with AsMP or AsPP retained 10-15% higher vitamin C than did those fortified with AsA.